"Everything you wish for, believe, and it will be done."

About us

Believe Decor was initiated by two sisters who have spent their entire lives dreaming of how they could make their special days extravagant and elegant at a price they could afford. With years of price hunting, research and planning they decided to not only make their dreams come true, but help others make their special days extra special by coming together and establishing Believe Decor.

Believe Decor fue iniciado por dos hermanas que toda su vida han soñado con la forma en que podrían hacer sus días especiales extravagante y elegante a un precio que pudieran pagar. Con años investigando precios, planificando y buscando bueno, bonito y barato, decidieron no sólo hacer sus sueños realidad, pero ayudar a otros hacer su día especial aun mas especial, uniéndose y estableciendo Believe Decor.


Small centerpieces ranging from $25 - $50. Depending on design of the 
vase and flower chosen. Floreros desde $25.

Chair covers and sashes available for rental from starting 
at $2 per chair.
Table cloths and tableware available for rental, 
$$ prices depending on styles chosen.

Easter centerpieces and baskets as low as $20.  
Precios dependen de las flores que sean seleccionadas.

All items and set up by Believe Decor.  "Bueno, Bonito y Barato"

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